14th October 2021
Just how is technology working in the production of coffee and therefore putting more control into your buyer’s hands?
I recently came across an article on the perfect daily grind that was discussing the very inevitable fact that the coffee sector faces an automated future and what a positive thing that is:
“AI drives transparency and efficiency across the coffee value chain,” Felipe says. “It benefits all players. It is needed to ensure the sustainability of farmers’ livelihoods and we believe it will also play a role in incentivising continuity for the next generation of farmers.” (article – the perfect daily grind 2021)
That paragraph really got me thinking about where we (DueTrade) stand in all of this.
Just like agriculture, the sector is benefitting from AI and technology, for example, hours being saved by drone technology, gathering data on climate in mere minutes as opposed to hours on foot. (and with a 93% efficiency) Overall there is a belief and positivity around the question of automation – and many are quick to support the argument that automation isn’t about replacing humans and jobs, it's about better serving it, allowing the end-user to receive the best coffee via the best logistics from farm to cup. Automation and technology allow us better information, allows us to improve skills and knowledge to drive the sector forward, but why would we (DueTrade) be interested in technology that benefits the farmer and therefore the drinker? Because, if the industry is accepting technology then so it is logical that this is a space in which technology improving the sales and marketing side of the sector – by putting more control into buyers’ hands through apps will be desirable.
And, here we step in.
Sectors that are embracing technology on either end of the scale (farming beans to pouring the coffee) also need the middle element to get the best, seamless experience to bring those beans to the cup. DueTrade is just that element. a platform tailor-made to your business to modernise your approach and give your customers a new, more efficient method of trading with you. We build a simple and user-friendly app for your business to offer to your customers. This allows them to transact faster and more efficiently with your business and increase revenue generated from your clients. Alongside a new way to trade, the app also provides your clients with industry-specific information they want and need, as well as the ability to act on that information at the press of a button. Your sales and trading team get their own web system allowing them to manage everything from updating news articles and stock information to sending offers and promotions on products and services. This also allows them to bid on or confirm a customer’s quote request.